
Personal Data

Personal data refers to any information that tells us something about you or that we can link to you. We will only collect and process personal data about you where we have lawful bases. Lawful bases on which we would process our personal information includes obtaining explicit consent from you for processing your personal information or processing for “legitimate interests” where processing is necessary by us to provide you with required services. However, please note that your personal data may be shared with legal authorities, if required by law.
We may share personal information with our other corporate entities and affiliates. As a result of such sharing, they may market to you for the required services unless you explicitly opt-out. The disclosure may be required for us to provide you access to our Services, to comply with our legal obligations, to facilitate our marketing and advertising activities related to our Services. We never disclose your personal information of any of our user to third parties for their marketing and advertising purposes without your explicit consent.
MOUNT BOOKS.IN uses a variety of technologies and procedures to help protect personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.


Cookie is a small text file of letters and numbers that is stored by the browser on your computer when you visit certain websites. A cookie allows a website to distinguish your computer from other users’ computers. Cookies do not contain Personal Data unless you have already given this information to the Website. You may delete or block the cookies, if that is what you choose to do. Note that this may make it less convenient for you to use our websites. MOUNT BOOKS.IN website may contain links to other websites of your interest. Please note that once the Visitor opts to link to other websites, MOUNT BOOKS.IN shall not be responsible for protection of further disclosure of information and this Privacy Policy / statement cease to be applicable for such disclosure of information. The Visitor may therefore, like to exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to those websites. Similarly, your financial Data like, Account Number, Card Number etc, provided by you to pay us through third party Payment Gateway is protected by the service provider only and never ask for any such information from you directly and is not in any case, responsible for the misuse of the same.
MOUNT BOOKS.IN website may be available on various other third party websites. However, MOUNT BOOKS.IN shall not be responsible to the contents and material of such other websites. If any person provides its information on other websites, where link of MOUNT BOOKS.IN website or MOUNT BOOKS.IN logo is available, MOUNT BOOKS.IN shall not be responsible to any acts or omissions committed by third party websites including but not limited to data theft, misuse of information of such person.
MOUNT BOOKS.IN reserves its right to amend the present Privacy Policy at any time and will place such amended Privacy Policy, if any, on its website. This Privacy Policy is neither intended to and nor does it create any contractual rights whatsoever or any other legal rights, nor does it create any obligations on MOUNT BOOKS.IN in respect of any other party or on behalf of any party. By accessing this website and any of its pages, you are agreeing to the terms set out above.